Course curriculum

  • 1

    Day 1: Foundations of JPIC Ministry and Integral Ecology

    • Nov 30 - Check In - Zoom Link

    • Itinerary - Monday, November 30

    • Nov 30 - Introduction

    • Welcome & Opening Prayer (video)

    • Session 1: Global Framework Worldwide Highlights (video)

    • Session 2: Spirituality of JPIC/Religious Vows and the Laudato Si’ Action Plan (video)

    • Session 3: Understanding of Integral Ecology and Sacred Action (video)

    • Session 4: JPIC Catholic Social Teaching (video)

    • Reflective Closing

    • Program Resources, Day 1

  • 2

    Day 2: Integral Ecology and Religious Life

    • Dec 1 - Check In - Zoom Link

    • Itinerary - Tuesday, December 1

    • Dec 1 - Introduction

    • Morning Prayer

    • Session 5: Formation in Religious Live and JPIC (video)

    • Session 6: Pastoral Cycle and See (Assess) - Judge (Discern) - Act (Transform) (video)

    • Afternoon Prayer

    • Session 7: The Pastoral Cycle in Integral Ecology (video)

    • Session 8: Congregational Structures and Collaboration with their UN Representatives (video)

    • Reflective Closing

    • Program Resources, Day 2

  • 3

    Day 3: Journeying Together Towards Integral Ecology

    • Dec 2 - Check In - Zoom Link

    • Itinerary - Wednesday, December 2

    • Dec 2 - Introduction

    • Morning Prayer

    • Session 9: Networking with External Groups (video)

    • Session 10: Sustainable Development Goals and Relation to Laudato Si' Goals in the Action Plan (video)

    • Session 11: Integrating Laudato Si’ Action Plan with Religious Congregations in the Roll Out Plan

    • In memoriam - Martyrs of El Salvador

    • Session 12: UN systems and instruments with special reference to Environment, Indigenous People, Refugees, and Migrants (video)

    • Session 13: Dicastery Structure for Promoting Integral Human Development and Focus on Integral Ecology and Creation (video)

    • Reflective Closing

    • Program Resources, Day 3

  • 4

    Day 4: The Ministry of JPIC Promoters

    • Dec 3 - Check In - Zoom Link

    • Itinerary - Thursday, December 3

    • Dec 4 - Introduction

    • Morning Prayer

    • SESSION 14: JPIC Promoter’s First Year (video)

    • Session 15: Everything is Interconnected

    • SESSION 16: See-Judge-Act—JPIC Commission Structure, Working Groups and Secretariat (video)

    • Session 17: JPIC Promoters and Communication

    • Session 18: Small Group Discussion (video)

    • Session 19: Follow-up and Planning for Congregation or Specific Areas of Responsibilities

    • Reflective Closing

    • Program Resources, Day 4

  • 5

    Day 5: JPIC Encounter and Dialogue

    • Dec 4 - Check In - Zoom Link

    • Itinerary - Friday, December 4

    • Dec 5 - Introduction

    • Morning Prayer

    • Session 20: Promoters Share Best Practices and Experiences in Ministry (video)

    • Session 21: Encounter and Dialogue: Challenges for Our JPIC Activities

    • Closing Blessing

    • Program Resources, Day 5

  • 6

    JPIC Plan

    • Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Plans

  • 7

    March 10 Webinar - Engaging Laudato Si'

    • Materials for Download

    • Webinar Video

  • 8

    Supplemental Readings

    • Encyclicals of Pope Francis

    • Laudato Si' Anniversary Year Booklet

    • JPIC Formation Workshop Participants List

    • Program Resources and Downloads

  • 9

    Workshop Survey

    • Engaging Laudato Si’ was a collaborative and cooperative effort of many persons who have generously shared their expertise and resources. To help us plan for the future, your input is needed. Thank you for your feedback!

  • 10

    Religious Sector Resources

    • LSAP Action Plans