JPIC Promoters' Formation Workshop 2022 EN
Pacem in Terris and Laudato Si’ in Action: Caring for our Common Home in Truth, Justice, Love and Freedom.
Program Booklet and Itinerary
JPIC Formation Workshop Videos - Day 1, Morning Sessions
JPIC Formation Workshop Videos - Day 1, Afternoon Sessions
Itinerary, Monday, November 28, 2022
Introduction and Check In
Welcome and Opening Prayer
SESSION 1. A Geopolitical Reading of Today’s Reality
SESSION 2. The Christian Commitment to Peace Building: In the Light of the Social Teaching of the Church
Afternoon Prayer
SESSION 3. Economic Paradigms and Peace Building: No To An Economy of Exclusion
SESSION 4. The Common Good and Peace in Society
JPIC Formation Workshop Videos - Day 2, Morning Sessions
JPIC Formation Workshop Videos - Day 2, Afternoon Sessions
Itinerary, Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Welcome and Opening Prayer
Introduction and Check In
SESSION 5. The Spiritual Foundations and Inspirational Interpreters of Active Nonviolence
SESSION 6. The Art and Architecture of Peace
Afternoon Prayer
SESSION 7. Inter-religious Dialogue and Peace Building
SESSION 8. The Impact of Religious Presence at the United Nations
JPIC Formation Workshop Videos - Day 3, Morning Sessions
JPIC Formation Workshop Videos - Day 3, Afternoon Sessions
Itinerary, Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Introduction and Check In
Welcome and Opening Prayer
SESSION 9. Synodality in the Laudato Si’ Action Platform, From the Religious Perspective
SESSION 10. Communion, Participation and Mission
Afternoon Prayer
SESSION 11. A Synodal Process to Accompany and Support Congregations from Different Perspectives
SESSION 12. The Role of the JPIC Promoter to Respond to the Cry of the Earth and the Poor
JPIC Formation Workshop Videos - Day 4, Morning Sessions
JPIC Formation Workshop Videos - Day 4, Afternoon Sessions
Itinerary, Thursday, December 1, 2022
Introduction and Check In
Welcome and Opening Prayer
SESSION 13. The Contribution of the Religious as Instruments of Peace
SESSION 14. Skills for Peace Making Based on the Peace Prayer of St. Francis for Religious
Afternoon Prayer
SESSION 15. Advocacy Skills to be Peacemakers
SESSION 16. JPIC Commission USG-UISG: Mission and interconnectedness
JPIC Formation Workshop Videos - Day 5
Itinerary, Friday, December 2, 2022
Introduction and Check In
Welcome and Opening Prayer
SESSION 17. Integrating the Basic JPIC Tools for Peace Building.
SESSION 18. The Pastoral Methodology of See, Judge and Act